The Nepean Dance Child Safe Policy is in place to ensure the commitment by management, staff and instructors to provide a child safe environment, by providing a code of conduct and policies to ensure that everyone is kept safe from harm and the appropriate reporting pathways are in place. This policy will be reviewed and evaluated regularly. We are committed to remaining up to date with current best practice and implementing this within our own organisation.
Reporting Child Abuse Procedure
If a staff member/instructor becomes aware of an incident or allegation of abuse or has reasonable grounds to form a belief of abuse, it is the first responsibility to ensure the child/ren are safe and away from further risk of harm.
Reasonable grounds for belief – formed on the reasonable belief that the child is in need of protection, has suffered or likely to suffer harm as the result of a physical or sexual injury, or if the parents are unwilling or unable to protect the child. Reasonable belief can come about on grounds of notification from the child, from observations of the child, or allegations surrounding the child.
The Child Safety Officer (the Principal of the Dance school) will be the first port of call for all incidents and will guide staff through all procedural requirements.
2. If a staff member/instructor receives information that leads them to belief that an offence has been committed, mandatory reporting requirements must be met, including reporting firstly to :Management/Principal of Nepean Dance, and secondly to Victorian Police, and DHHS Child Protection Unit
3. Once a complaint or allegation is made to the Management/Principal of Nepean Dance, they have a duty of care make a report to the Victorian Police and DHHS Child Protection unit as soon as possible.
4. All complaints and allegations must be documented with proof of receipt of complaint/allegation, and Management/Principal of Nepean Dance will meet with complainant in regards to the allegation.
5. If a staff members/instructor is uncertain to whether they should make a report to an external authority in regards to a child or if a member/participant of Nepean Dance wishes to voice concern/complaint in regards to a Child Safety issue, seek a meeting and advice from Management/Principal of Nepean Dance for guidance in regards to the matter.
6. If further evidence arises after first complaint/allegation, or to further strengthen the Reasonable grounds of Belief, another report must be documented and presented to Management/Principal of Nepean Dance, the Victorian Police and DHHS Child Protection unit.
Screening/Recruiting of Staff Members
1. Nepean Dance applies best practice standards in the recruitment of new staff members, and the recruitment process includes addressing the Child Safety Policy and Code of Conduct with applicant. As a minimum all staff will hold a current Working with Children Check and Level 2 First Aid Certificate. Staff will have relevant qualifications or be in the process of obtaining qualifications under the direction of the Principal. All staff will attend regular internal and external professional development.
2. Nepean Dance is committed to regularly training and educating staff and volunteers on child abuse risks. As a minimum our staff will participate in 4 internal professional development sessions per year. All volunteers will be given a clear briefing and induction prior to assisting with Nepean Dance events eg. Annual Performances.
3. If an allegation is against a member of staff, the safety of the child is the utmost importance. The staff member will be removed and stood down from instructing classes while under investigation from the relevant authorities into the seriousness of the allegation.
Music and Routine Guidelines
1. All music played in any class at Nepean Dance must not contain any explicit language.
2. Routines in classes must not be overtly sexual or have suggestive sexual movements, to reduce the possibility of abuse or comments. Instructor’s must plan their routines accordingly so that children and young people feel comfortable and confident at Nepean Dance.
3. Any complaints or feedback in regards to an Instructor's choice of music or routine must be presented to the Director of Nepean Dance, so that correction can be made.
1. No refunds under any circumstances will be given for missed classes. Fees are not transferable between students or terms.
2. All fees and charges are inclusive of GST.
3. Pro-rata fees are available to students who commence classes during a month/term. Pro-rata fees will only be applied if the enrolment commenced after the second week of the respective month/term.​
4. If a student is unable to attend a class due to illness, injury or compulsory school commitments, a makeup class can be taken during the term and subject to availability. Makeup classes do not roll over into the next term.
5. If a student will be absent for an extended period of time (3 weeks or more), they may request to pause their enrolment during their absence. The request must be in writing at least one month prior to the applicable period. Any requests for discounts or prorated fees will be at the discretion of the Principal.
6. If you wish to change or cancel your enrolment you must do so in writing, with a minimum of 4 weeks’ notice to Cancellation will commence 28 days after written confirmation has been received.
7. A complimentary trial class is available to all new students and current students wishing to try a new style of dance.